But this year is different, instead of waking up post-concert with a slow gate and an awkward moan - I've decided to spend my night doing the same.
I am participating in Pittsburgh's ZOMBIE FEST on Sunday, October 11th.

They are trying to take back the World Record for Zombie Walkers - and damnit if it didn't reanimate my heart to help.
But with any good zombie costume comes ONE question -
The wound.
Sure - anyone can do a themed zombie - but the REAL question is how did you die (the first time)?
So many options! Pitchfork through my stomach, hatchet through my head, gun shot, stab wound, bad Tuna at that cheap sushi place, car wreck, killer bees, chocolate - the options are endless.
So my question, dear Readers - how did I die?
I've got the shuffle. I've got the moan. I even have a slight craving for brains wrapped in bacon (or braincon as I like to call it).
Give me your most creative and hilarious idea and I'll try to make it come to life.
But please - help me out.
The pressure is killing me.