Forty minutes of pure trafficky goodness. Do you know how much energy it takes to hate all those people at one time? I used to try to hate only the stupid ones, but it is such an overwhelming majority I thought my hating would be more efficient to just lump them all into one category.
So as I finally get some coffee running through my veins, helping to speed up my hatred of all things traffic, I pose this question -
What situation displays the most combined stupidity for you?
Is it traffic jams
or airports
or malls
or Nickelback concerts
or another situation that I missed?
Join me in the hatred - just don't you date switch lanes without a blinker.
Raiders games.
My Trifecta of Hell involves the following:
1. Hot places (Like Cleveland in August)
2. Screaming children
3. Waiting in line.
Places this can be accomplished: College graduation, the post office, grocery stores, traffic jams (kids are iffy but the AC is broken in my car)
The Cinema Audience.
Hands down a combination of the most selfish, ignorant, annoying, loud, obnoxious, smelly and pathetic excuses of human beings ever!
Grocery stores.
I have to vote traffic. Especially merging. Why is it that merging is SO difficult for people?!?!
I'm with stealth. Late mergers are fair game and if you make them cry or wreck, so much the better.
People who use the bill-changer machines on tollways...seriously?!?! I mean just run the damn toll....Soccer moms who let their kids run around restaurants (I serioulsy can't wait for kids to go back to school!) O and strollers in general, they annoy me in grocery stores, malls, running/biking trails, etc etc...
Grocery stores during the day. I try to go after 10pm but sometimes that's not possible. GET YOUR F&*&^$# CART OUT OF THE WAY!!!!
I hate people who stand in the middle of the escalator, instead of moving to the side to let folks that are in a hurry get by. Especially when these "escalator blockers" are wearing Nickleback concert shirts....
Getting stuck in traffic leaving the mall while heading to a Nickelback concert at the airport.
They're the worst!
I'm going with people at Nickelback concerts!
And I'm with the person that said the whole merging in Traffic thing! Seriously! I can't for the life of my understand why it's so hard!!!
Friggin old people anywhere. I mean I know they're harmless, but c'mon! Move people!!!!
that right there is exactly why i couldn't work on the east side.
and you just made it worse by moving FURTHER west.
i'm sad for you.
All of the above and Wal Mart shoppers.
I am so right there hating on traffic. And Nickelback. And jerks in traffic on their way to Nickelback concerts.
As a waitress at a seat-yourself restaurant, I fucking HATE more than anything when customers sit at a dirty table while there are PLENTY of clean tables around it. You have no idea how angry it makes me.
middle aged women who have a cell phone and can't talk and drive at the same time.
yay for the no text/no drive.
I observe the most stupidity here:
1. Grocery lines (we've had them for years and folks still can't manage to get this process of checking/buying/packing right)
2. Gas stations (don't go into the store unless you absolutely have to)
3. Drivers (many think they can multi-task by driving and talking on their cell, while applying make-up or shaving...nope doesn't work!)
Everyone knows I get the worst Sidewalk Rage... but I'll take it over road rage any day. At least this way if there's a "problem", I (probably) can't get sued.
Traffic turns me into a monster everytime! Beside that, hmmm, traditional markets, crowded supermarkets, hot sunny day and probably rave parties.
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A PG-13 movie on a Friday night is the tenth circle.
1. i hate nickelback.
2. i walk across the street to my office.
3. yessss
Hahaha every guy hates Nickelback.
And this article is worth reading!
i hate browns fans at browns games.
"no dude, i don't want to fight you."
"yes dude, i'm wearing a different color shirt than you."
"no dude, i'm not gay."
"yes dude, i see you have no teeth."
"yes dude, i know i'm in cleveland."
"yes dude, i see how many of you there are."
"no dude, the browns suck."
"no dude, i'm serious, i don't want to fight, but stating the the browns sucks isn't an opinion."
"yes dude, i have evidence."
"no dude, brian sipe is not the best quarterback ever."
"ok dude, let's fight."
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