I know I can never match my Would Ya Wednesday (WyW for the cool kids) from last week - rape glasses are the new black - but I'm here to offer a riddle. A riddle for your privates.
Now, I strive to find celebrities that are just on the cusp of attractivenessicity. Apparently, my choices for the male side have been a bit lacking. Ladies - I am trying - it isn't easy to find good male celebrities to use because there is a glare on my computer screen and when the sun hits it just right I can see myself - then I start getting lost in my eyes and wonder how I get my hair to look JUST right and think maybe it's time me and myself got an apartment together.
Guys - you'll pretty much ram your crotch into anything I put up here. I could glue a wig on a file cabinet and half of you would ask me if she was single.
I kid cuz I care.
So today I have no themes, not witty jokes; just an attempt to find two moderately decent looking people for you to impregnate. Or get preggered by.
Sorry for my grammar - I shouldn't have ended that sentence with a preposition. How about "Or by which you will be preggered."
Much better.
Anyways - you should all know the rules for WyW (is the acronym sticking yet? I already have it tattooed on my lower back. I need this.) I throw up two celebrities and you tell me if you would throw down. Or throw up. Your choice. I'm into either.
Jim Carrey
Kirsten Dunst
Ew no! I do like me a funny man but that's going a little too far.
Did she get implants? I don't remember those being there before...
Nope. Not Jim. Nuh-uh.
Kirsten? She annoys me so I wouldn't even do her.
I'd be more into Kiki than Jim but I can't say I'd be down with either of these two...especially Jim. I'd be expecting him to yell out ALLLLLLLLLL RIGHTY THEN in the middle of it.
jim? nah
Kirsten? yea
I wouldn't throw up on Kirsten, but I wouldn't throw down either
only if Jim wears his riddler costume.
Just. kidding. No for Him.
Kirsten's teeth always look jacked up! What the heck girl! Get a toofbrush. So that's a no.
Not Jim. I'm not sleeping with anyone who can probably turn anything into a dirty puppet. It'll ruin the Muppets for me for life.
I like Kirsten more. Jim Carrey is just way too creepy.
It's not that Jim is bad looking, but he's kind of annoying. But I'd say after a few I'd throw him down.
Kirsten looks like she doesn't bathe. So maybe if I saw her wash and know she was clean then I'd go w/ it. But otherwise, nope!
Kirsten makes my Spidey sense tingle.
By 'Spidey Sense' I mean 'penis.'
it would be better if she got a fucking tan though. My god.
..."just on the cusp of attractivenessicity" yup you achieved that today.
I think I read Perez Hilton for too long to not be mortally afraid of Kirsten Dunst; let's be honest, we've all seen 19 versions of Jim Carrey's o-face. And it hasn't killed us yet. Jim it is.
After the BIG build up you offer us Jim?
We need to talk!
No, nope, nada.
they both kind of have that weird snaggle toothy smile.
kirsten bugs the hell out of me. her arms are to lanky for her body and she always seems so uncoordinated.
i bet she sucks in bed.
as for jim? sure why not.
ughhhhh i hate kiki. HATE.
She is just gross. That is aweful. I rather take my chances on a plane to buffalo, than sleep with that so called actress from spiderman. (oh, and that upside down kiss in Spiderman that won MTV's best kiss award was just as aweful as she is)
good day sir!
Oh sure. Why not? Yeah - that's the best reason I have.
"then I start getting lost in my eyes and wonder how I get my hair to look JUST right and think maybe it's time me and myself got an apartment together."
Wow. I've never been there when someone comes out on their blog before.
That took guts!
Don't think I didn't notice the lack of Krogerliciousness today.
if he gave me a million dollars, i might consider it....
A chance to boff Ace Ventura??? Where do I sign?
And how come you never say what YOU would do. You need to add that in there. Like in a post the next day - as sort of a follow up/wrap up to Would Ya Wednsday.
Like a Throwback Thursday or something more clever than that.
Yes yes YES a million times yes for Jim Carrey. But not in his younger years. Only as he got a little older. Like in The Number 23?? Oh lordy YES.
Only if she let me wear Spidey mask and allow me to hang upside down the entire time.
Which is approx. 60 seconds.
I don't think Claire would like me spreading my sead to Jim...she may be happy with Kristin...
Kirstin. Maybe it's because our names are similar and it makes me feel close to her or something.
She has really small boobies though doesn't she?
Kirsten from Bring It On....fuck yes. Kirsten now.....fuck no.
im celebate. Starting thursday.
im celebate. Starting thursday.
Kirsten is a bucket of yuck. She's soft, squishy, droopy, and I bet she lazy in bed. That being said I would absolutely hit it contingent on her calling me spiderman while I made an epic mess with my web goo.
I'm actually gonna change teams for this one. Although I'd love to give Kirsten's breastesses a good sound slappin', Jim Carrey has held a sweetspot with me since Dumb & Dumber.
Jim (as Lloyd) : "I desperately want to make love to a school boy."
It just melts my heart.
While I'm normally a fan of the funny men I think there would be something weird and creepster about Jim Carrey. So I'm going to have to say no to this one.
Jim Carey makes me want to kick myself in the teeth- no.
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