Mostly that they both suck.
Speaking of sucking - it's time for Would Ya Wednesday on Friday! Twilight Edition. Where instead of sucking your blood - this movie sucks your will to live.
I think my biggest gripe with this movie is that girls go ga-ga over Robert Pattinson but the female lead is
I mean she isn't a terrible looking girl - I wouldn't kick her out of bed for eating crackers - but on a scale of 1-10 she gets an eh. The hottest thing about her is that she looks all strung out and trashy. She is like a female Pigpen. She is that goth chick in high school that you know is all strung out on experience but you still get kind of curious.
As for Robert Pattinson - I am fairly certain he is cousins with French Stewart because the dude NEVER OPENS HIS GODDAMN EYES. You are a movie star! Get glasses if you can't see! There is nothing sexy or mysterious about bad vision - if there were my nickname in gradeschool would have been "Hot Buns" instead of "Four Eyes".
Let's get back to the game - you know the rules - I throw up two pictures and you tell me if you would invite them back to your coffin to get batty.
Here we go -
Kristen Stewart
Robert Pattinson
Only if they wash their hair.
Nope. Wouldn't happen.
Not sure why every female is going ga-ga crazy over this guy. I wouldn't touch him with a ten foot pole.
So the answer is hell no!
I'm with Ben, hair washing is a must. But I think I might be more attracted to her than to him.
Why do I feel like that happens more than it should with this game of yours...
I pick neither.
was that the girl from step it up. Or bring it on. Or flip it out? Or wait, stick it. That's what I'm lookign for, the gymnastics movie? She was the rebel gymnist, who saved the team?
shes out.
You're first tag for this post is too funny.
As far as I can tell from the picture, she has no penis.
So, yep.
Bangaroo City.
"tell me if you would invite them back to your coffin to get batty."
pure genius - that line highlights this post each week.
..and the answer is yes. that's as close to a suicidegirl as i'll likely get.
They do know that didn't have to cast vampires to play vampires right?
Yeah, what the hell. It's Friday right?
I would let Kristen suck the life out of me.
As for the dude, his face looks screwed up like he got hit by a frying pan.
No on Kristen. Nothing attractive about her, the least attractive thing being her personality in general.
Yes on Rob. But yeah, he'd need to wash the hair first.
Meh. I think they're both kinda mediocre.
I just wanted to comment to tell you that I LOVE the new acronym. ;)
Washed hair or not, I'd let him take a bite out of me anytime
Mmmm, I must admit that I squealed with delight with every glimpse of Robert Pattinson during the Oscars. So yeah, obviously I would.
Not even if they were the last vampires on earth. I mean people.
yes! Yes! YES! to Rob Pattison - whew it's warm in here now!
her: nope
him: yup, 2x on any day that ends in a -y, dirty hair & all, bring it!
The stylist for that Kristen Stewart photoshoot should be shot. She looks like she just wandered in from her Macroeconomics class at a community college, hung over from happy hour and sex with a rando dude the night before.
As for RPattz, um, I am ashamed to admit it, but yes. A thousand times yes.
nope, sorry, missed the vampire train on Twilight.
I don't think he's that cute. So, no.
Yes I would let my lady parts touh his man parts even if afterwards he bites me. Wait I might like that.
You know I'm a fan of Rpattz right? GRRRRR!!!
At first Robert Pattinson was a huge "meh" but suddenly his actual "I don't care" personality is a turn-on. Hence, he's an acquired taste. Which means yes.
This is the first legitimately hot photo I've seen of Robert Pattison.
she's not horrible but i'd pass on him.
Robert Pattison looks like hes suffering from a "stomach flu" all the time, You know really pale, emaciated, greasy and like he's smelling something really bad all the time
the girl.. maybe?
the guy, no thank you.
Robert. I forgive him for being in a shitty movie based on a shitty book. I do.
They just look smelly... and that's where I draw the line. So No "eh" to them both
The guy? Hell yeah.
The girl? Hell no.
RPattz? Yes, please.
I'd probably shack up with her as well... only so I could sell the tape though. I'd make millions! lol
Yes to RP. Duh!!!
I was expecting way more squeels of delight with this one. Robert Pattinson? Heck Yes. He has the accent! The look! Dreamy! No drinks needed. May need to forget that he's 21 or 22, though. Ick.
Yes on RPattz.
And seriously, the girl bores the hell out of me. I have a hard time even noticing her. I would probably get distracted halfway through the act and start doing homework or something more interesting than her.
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