While sitting at an Indians game the other day, I found this specimen. (Cut me some slack - the Indians suck and I had to amuse myself). Of course a lengthy discussion ensued about what exact type of haircut this kid was sporting. I was on Team Mullet but definitely saw that Team Rat Tail had a strong case.
I think it's rat tail.
or possibly a baby mullet.
Rat tail, no question.
I see it as the makings of a baby rat tail...
He's currently in what is known as the "in between stage", when you can't get your hair to do what you want and anything you do to it just doesn't look right. (many women experience this when growing out their bangs and hair) This handsome young gentleman is in between a baby mullet and a rat tail. Either way it's fabulous!! All I can hope for is that if it does turn into a full on rat tail he braids it!
Looks like a new species. More like a beaver tail.
Poorly executed rat tail.
But then again, aren't they all?
Rat tail and no not awesome.
I voted for rat tail. But I definitely think it's plural. Rat TailS.
I went with "awesome" simply because if that guy has the guts to be out in public looking like that, he must be way cooler than anyone realizes.
whatever you do call it, i have to say that at least it's the hair on his head growing longer as opposed to out of control neck hair.
I'm on Team Rat Tail for this one.... The rest of his hair needs to be longer if it wants to be a mullet.
I'm going with Team Didn't Have Enough Money to Finish Getting a Haircut.
I vote for "we need to get you a new hobby" for the poll. You're deciding on another man's hair style. Aren't you a wee bit concerned for your masculinity? No?
How the hell does anyone not vote for awesome???
I believe that hairstyle is commonly referred to as "sexy".
Ditto BC-- I'm pretty sure I am sporting this exact style at the moment. Someone at work actually offered to bring in a pair of shears and cut my hair at my desk just to make the madness stop. Growing out your hair is a biiiiitch.
Nasty... yet I can not look away...
Whatever it is, is something pretty special.
I voted for "rat-tail", but it's more like a mini-mullet.
Narm, did you touch the tail?
i think it's a baby mullet just looking to grow up one day.
but, it's also awesome.
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say the two are not mutually exclusive. The Rat Tail (Rattus Talia) is part of the Mullet (Muleta) family. Much like the long and short tailed Femullets. What you have here is a new species of Mullet, likely still part of the Rattus genus. Perhaps we can call it the Rattus Polus-talia, or Multi-Rat Tail.
I didn't see the option for "Lost a Bet". Did you forget it? That haircut is about as embarrasing as showing a hickey off at a college cafe.
That's yuck is what that is. Like a mullet gone bad.
are you serious?!?
this is me!!! dnt belive me? the indians lost that game to the red sox
why didnt you just ask?
this haircut i am sporting is definetly a rat-tail, its just not flat ironed, so all the hair is going all over the place
hahahahah! wow Jovy! i like ur rat tail! lol
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